What started as a wonderful love story for Mélissa and Scott ended 16 years later with Scott’s dramatic death, leaving Mélissa and her two young children to endure the unimaginable. In her desperation, Mélissa prayed for guidance, and God responded by sending her an army of angels to make her transition from wife to widow more bearable. Since her husband’s passing, Mélissa has felt a strong calling to use her voice to address the stigmas around suicide and mental health. This book’s purpose is to bring awareness to the long-term effects of emotional suppression and repression while offering unwavering support.
If you or someone you know is struggling with suicidal thoughts, suppressing emotions, feeling stuck, or ready to make a change but don’t know where to begin, then this book may be your light. Mélissa shares her heartbreaking story and offers life-saving tools to help you move forward from a desperate situation and find hope.
Mélissa-Sue Methven, born in Quebec City and raised in Vancouver, BC, became a flight attendant in her early 20s, working on both commercial and private jets and flying with a US president, celebrities, and businessmen worldwide. In 2006, she moved to Wasilla, Alaska, to be with Scott, the love of her life, and studied to become a dental hygienist. She graduated in 2009 and worked alongside her husband, a dentist, in Wasilla. A proud mother of two children, Sophia and Matéas, Mélissa was widowed in March 2022. She now dedicates her life to helping others overcome darkness, find their truth, and live their authentic purpose.
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