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Money Loves You
June 6th, 2024
Julia Carlson

Newly Released Book

Money Loves You


It’s true. Money really does love you…

Maybe you don’t believe me, maybe this title stirred a whole range of emotions within the pit of your stomach, humor, anger, disbelief, or wonder. Could this be simply a marketing gimmick? How can I possibly bring ‘love’ into the subject of money? The answer to that is simple. Easily.

My name is Julia, I am a mom of three, I have built an 8-figure business and I am in the Forbes list of America’s top women wealth advisors. I am here to help you.

Some people will say that money is the root of all evil. You, yourself may have many reasons why money doesn't love you. The world is an unforgiving place, a dog-eat-dog society. I understand all of that. You can break free from it and I will show you how.

Money Loves You is different than other money self-help books. It will shatter the conventional rules you have always been force-fed about money and forge a new empowering relationship. A one where you are the master of money, not a slave to it. A paradigm shift towards a new magnificent future of possibility.

Grab ‘Money Loves You’ now and start creating wealth and abundance for you and your family today!


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