The Girl's Guide to Puberty, Hormones and Loving Yourself Through It All
Going through puberty as a girl can often feel strange and bewildering, but it's time to change that narrative. Bailey Browder, a girls' hormone health educator, knows firsthand the importance of hormone support in feeling your best. After years of relying on hormonal birth control, she found herself grappling with unregulated pre-teen hormones. Frustrated by the lack of education on hormone function and support during puberty, she resolved to take action. Been There, Done That is a book crafted for the next generation of girls, who deserve comprehensive knowledge about their bodies. It's a delightful and informative guide that resonates with young hearts, offering insights that many women wish they'd had in their youth. This book will navigate you through every aspect of puberty, explaining how hormones operate and providing tips for nurturing both your body and mind throughout this transformative journey. Grab your copy of Been There, Done That today, and step away from the realms of confusion!
Bailey Browder is a girls’ hormone health educator from Austin, TX. She learned the hard way that hormone support is necessary to feel like your best self. After 14 years on hormonal birth control, she found herself experiencing the raging pre-teen hormones that had never been regulated in the first place. Frustrated and angry that no one taught her how her hormones worked or how to support them during puberty, she decided she was going to do something about it.
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