Denise Alley
Denise Alley, is an enrolled member of the Cherokee Nation, a direct descendent of Tecumseh (Shawnee leader), and is of the Loyal Shawnee, Delaware and Otoe-Missouria tribes. Alley is a international motivational speaker, author, performer and staff trainer. She has worked with various companies including Disneyland Paris, Merck, Motorola, Pink Jeep Tours, World Cup Rodeo/Australia, Bridge School, Indian Health Services and hundreds of tribes across the United States for tribal government and programs. Denise is an alumni of Brigham Young University with a bachelor's degree in Communications. As a baby she was given her Shawnee Indian name Hawchikapawsi, which means “a horse that runs through a field, stops and then changes stances.” Once, after speaking to the Havasupai Tribe at the bottom of the Grand Canyon (with the helicopter not working when she finished) she was asked to ride a horse up the steep canyon wall. Being frozen and terrified; not knowing how to ride a horse, she made it to the top. She now calls herself an urban Indian woman. Denise performs at Willie Nelson's Farm Aid benefit concerts annually, travels to speak, does retreats, real estate and enjoys teaching her grandchildren native songs and dances. She resides in Arizona.